It’s been over one year since the first documented case of COVID-19 in New York State and shortly thereafter, New York State was in a state of emergency. About a week later, PMG and many other companies took their businesses remote and in-office employees transitioned to working from home. Those first few weeks (and months) were filled with a fair amount of confusion, anxiety and adjustments as we all learned to adapt to the “new normal.”
Here we are, one year later, and we are (hopefully, slowly and cautiously) approaching a return to pre-pandemic life. Here are some of the things that PMGers are most looking forward to:
- Hugging friends and family
- Traveling outside of New York State without needing to get a COVID test
- Having a meeting that isn’t on Zoom (yes, Zoom fatigue is real)
- Going to events, movies and concerts
- Wearing lipstick that people can see
- Working out at the gym without a mask
- Coughing in public without worrying about people judging you
- Having parties and BBQs at the house without any limits
- Playing contact sports
- Going to sports games
- Shaking someone’s hand
- Finally wearing that new outfit
- Being able to get the produce bags in the grocery store opened more easily
- That first trip out of the country
- Being a Suffolk County resident and being able to go to a Nassau County beach, and vice versa
- Being able to see people’s smiles
Have hope everyone. We are getting through this together. Soon enough we hope to see you in person and we look forward to sharing some smiles!
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