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A.J. Schmitz Volunteers Expertise to the 2023 E Source Utility Ad Awards

PMG’s Creative Director, A.J. Schmitz, was recently a judge for the prestigious 2023 E Source Utility Ad Awards, the energy industry’s largest and most comprehensive marketing and advertising competition. He has participated in the judging for the past six years.

With submissions from hundreds of utility companies, the contest evaluates the advertising and marketing creativity of electric, gas and water utility companies. E Source tasked the judges with identifying 13 winners based on messaging, creativity, results, calls to action or brand connection, and overall impression.

“The task of judging this contest becomes more difficult each year. These companies are creating excellent campaigns that blend energy-saving tips, cost-saving advice, eco-friendly sources, website ease of use, and new ways for customers to pay their bills; all while maintaining branding, calls to action and creativity. Kudos to all entrants for an outstanding job,” says Schmitz.

Check out the announcement from E SOURCE (https://www.esource.com/press-release/435232qf2k/announcing-winners-e-source-2023-utility-ad-awards-contest) and the winners of each category. https://www.esource.com/adcontest-winners


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